When in need of cash to deal with a financial emergency, taking out a loan from a moneylender can be your only resort, especially with bad credit. Here are the fastest and most efficient moneylenders to go to if you live in Jurong.

1. Quick Credit Pte. Ltd

Source: Quick Credit Pte. Ltd

Having loaned out sums to borrowers in need for nearly two decades, Quick Credit Pte Ltd understands the importance of quick disbursement, especially as a provider of one of the most competitive interest rates in Singapore.

If you’re trying to locate a licensed moneylender in Jurong that you can trust, Quick Credit is a reputable money lending agency that allows for a flexible structuring of packages—and absolute convenience!

Company Website: https://www.quickcredit.com.sg
Contact Number: +65 6899 6188
Location: IMM Building, 2 Jurong East Street 21, #04-01A/B, Singapore 609601
Operating Hours: Mon-Fri 11AM-8PM | Sat-Sun 12PM-5PM

2. SGP Credit Pte Ltd

Source: SGP Credit Pte Ltd 

Recognising the need for people to have a cushion against financial difficulties, SGP Credit has designed specific loan products tailored to suit varying personal and business needs—with flexible and affordable payment plans.

Expect a fast application process and result that’s entirely without the malicious hidden charges that often come with dubious money lending businesses. Schedule a chat with a financial consultant who will offer you a listening ear today!

Website: https://www.sgpcredit.com.sg
Contact Number: +65 6466 1157
Location: Jurong Gateway Road, Blk 133, #01-2999, Singapore 600133
Operating Hours: Mon-Fri 11.30AM-7.30PM | Sat 11.30AM-7PM | Closed on Sun & PH

3. GS Credit Pte Ltd

Source: GS Credit Pte Ltd

A member of the Moneylenders Association of Singapore, GS Credit is the go-to moneylender in Jurong, with a wide range of credit facilities meant to help borrowers tide over a financial crisis.

The trained staff there will patiently explain the terms of the loan to you so there is no misunderstanding. As a borrower, you can rest assured that GS Credit abides by only the highest standards of transparency and professionalism.

Website: https://www.jurongmoneylender.sg
Contact Number: +65 6563 0321
Location: Westgate Tower, 1 Gateway Drive, #06-08, Singapore 608531
Operating Hours: Mon-Fri 11AM-7.30PM | Sat 12PM-4PM

4. SE Investment

Source: SE Investment

A provider of financial loans to Singaporeans, Permanent Residents, and foreigners working and living in Singapore, SE Investment has aided countless people in coping with their financial fixes for years.

Put your fears of defrauding aside with SE investment. Any borrowers can rest assured that their information will be kept confidential at all times. With a comprehensive range of financial products for different circumstances, assessing emergency money becomes much simpler.

Website: https://www.seinvestment.com.sg
Contact Number: +65 6222 5855
Location: 135 Jurong Gateway Road, #01-335, Singapore 600135
Operating Hours: Mon-Sat 11AM-8PM | Sun 9AM-6PM

5. BST Credit Pte Ltd

Source: BST Credit Pte Ltd

Beginning with service and trust, BST Credit provides borrowers with flexible terms and packages as well as quick access to much-needed cash. The agency prides itself on its fair, transparent and convenient services.

The answer to quick financing, even those with a poor credit history can turn to BST Credit as long as they have proof of income. Once you have applied, a financial consultant will sit down with you to work out an appropriate payment plan.

Website: https://www.bstcredit.com.sg
Contact Number: +65 6299 1782
Location: Jurong Gateway Road, Blk 131, #01-251, Singapore 600131
Operating Hours: Mon-Sat 11AM-8PM | Sun 10AM-7PM | Closed on PH